
Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Heaven Opened: A Book Review

Heaven Opened, the letters of Mary Winslow, is an uplifting encouragement from a godly woman of a bygone age. Through these letters she reveals to us her complete dependence on God, her heavenly vision, and a deep experiential relationship with her Savior. She gives her reader a deep desire to know Christ as she so joyfully does.

These letters are not just friendly notes but every one of them includes some spiritual truth and edification as befitting to our age as they were in the 19th century. In them we read of how the Lord so graciously worked with her through many trials, and her wonderful understanding of the scripture. She writes people from many different backgrounds and circumstances but her theme is always the same - seek Christ. And her attitude is contiually one of love and concern to the recipient and joy in the Lord. Truly this is "a rich treasury of experiential and practical divinity."

I was richly blessed by reading this book. It led me to more fully lean on my savior trusting His perfect sovereignty and grace. I was also reminded that a life of perfect circumstances does not produce such a relationship with God as Mrs. Winslow had but rather many trials of faith that are more precious them silver and gold. I hope you will take the time to read this book slowly and carefully, soaking up all the blessed truths and looking more to Jesus every day.

Heaven Opened can be purchased at Reformation Heritage Books for $12.50. Also check out the used price on Bookfinder .

God Bless

1 comment:

A Heart of Praise said...

I don't think I've heard of this book before. It sounds really good. Thanks for the review.