Nature's Lesson
It always delights me when nature teaches us lessons form God's word. Like this week- due to a rather pesky disease in my tomatoes, Early Blight-I have been led to meditate on how the Lord deals with us. Because of this disease I, the gardener, had to remove large amounts of dead and infected leaves off my tomato plants. Do you know how terrible it feels to have to tear apart a plant you have carefully nurtured and cared for from seed? But how much more careful nurturing has our heavenly Gardener put into our salvation;? Yet He must still tear off and prune the leaves of our soul from that terrible disease,sin. I don't know about you; but I know that my Father, by His Holy Spirit , through His precious Son, has much pruning to do on me. He has begun that good work in me1 (He has planted the seed) and now He must also finish it2 by the sactifying (pruning) of His Holy Word3. If only we would lay bear our hearts, having a tender conscience, to His Spirit to work4.
There, my "gleanings" of this week. God Bless!!!
1.Phi 1:6
2. Heb 12:2
3.Eph 5:26
4.Eph 4:30
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