
Thursday, November 01, 2007

The Abiding Joy

When it is suggested that we cannot (some even say, must not) expect to be always joyful, remember that it is written, "Rejoice in the Lord {not, 'sometimes', but} alway." "As sorrowful, yet always rejoicing." When we are told that it would not even be good for us, remember that it is written again, "The joy of the Lord is your strength." Perhaps in that word "of " lies the whole secret of lasting joy, for it is more than even joy in the Lord; it is his own joy flowing into the soul that is joined to himself which alone can remain in us, not even our joy in him. "That they might have my joy fulfilled in themselves." Let us, then, seek not the stream but the fountain;
not primarily the joy but that real and living union with Jesus by which his joy
becomes ours.
I found the above quote in Frances R. Havergal's devotional Royal Bounty.


Under Southern Skies said...

I've never read "Royal Bounty" before, What's it about?

Lydia said...

Royal Bounty is a very small devotional book by the author of Like a River Glorious. To read a really great bio of that author go to Issacharian Daughter's back issue ID019 ( Also you can click the title in my post to see it.